Jan 11, 2018

Sun, Jan 11, 1948: discussing matters

"We made a visit to Hodges, finally, and I got a lot of good advice about give & take--takes two to make a quarrel, and etc.  They were pleased that I came, and wished us much happiness.  Mil was quite impressed with Mr. Hodges--he is a cute little old man.
"Then after going to bed, neither of us could sleep so we had to lie awake and talk until someone else came out on the porch, about the events of the day--church & fellowship.  Mil is certainly going through that period of uncertainty, and we have concluded that she's behind me to a certain extent, but I am the only one that even understands her viewpoint, so we spend a lot of time discussing matters.  I am thankful for one true friend--many people never have even one friendship like ours, and I am blessed with a good friend & a real sweetheart both."

--Letter from my mother, Winfield, Kans., to my father, Protection, Kans., Sunday, January 11, 1948.

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