Apr 29, 2014

Sat, Apr 29, 1944: no disgrace

"Of course as you mentioned it is no disgrace for you to be transfered to a Naval Training Station and we never thought of it as being such.  I was rather disappointed more because of the uncertainty of your future destiny than because of any reality.  But you must not think of it as disgraceful because what a person can't help is surely no disgrace.  So just go ahead and be the best sailor you can as you always do everything else....
"Seals have heard from Jack again. He is still at Anzio Beach in Italy and has just started to receive packages they mailed in January.  He was feeling fine.
“Aunt Frances is pretty sure Joyce is on his way across and that Dale is preparing to cross as he had his will made out and sent back. That is something you should see to if you have to go across."

-- Letter from my grandmother, Bloomington, Kans., to my father, Camp Sampson, N.Y., Saturday, April 29, 1944.

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